Collaborative Industrial Research and Support to Innovative Entrepreneurship — Stream 2 Canada

Collaborative Industrial Research and Support to Innovative Entrepreneurship — Stream 2

Support for SMEs to develop processes or products in AI technology

At a glance

Eligible Funding
  • Max. $350,000
  • 30% of project cost
  • Open Date : April 22, 2023
  • Closing date : October 15, 2023
Financing Type
Grant and Funding
Eligible Industries
  • All industries
Grant Providers
  • Gouvernement du Québec
  • Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation


Receive up to $350,000 in funding to cover up to 30% of eligible expenses for a product or process innovation project involving AI, from the planning stage through to real-life demonstration.

Eligibility criteria

The grant is aimed at supporting AI projects in SMEs focusing on the development of new products or processes using AI technology. The eligible projects must demonstrate technological or business risks, have research and development efforts, and show commercial potential.

  • Projects must focus on developing new products or processes, or improving existing ones significantly.
  • Products or processes should offer a decisive advantage over existing solutions in the market.
  • Projects must involve technological or business risks for the company.
  • Efforts in research and development are required or will be required.
  • There must be a demonstrated commercial potential for the product or process if it is intended for sale.

Who is eligible

There are eligible types of companies for this grant. The grant is available for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with projects in artificial intelligence that aim to develop products or processes for internal research and development or for market production.

  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Eligible expenses

Eligible expenses for this grant include costs related to research and development, such as salaries for project team members, subcontracting fees, and materials for product development.

  • Salaries for project team members
  • Subcontracting fees
  • Materials for product development

Eligible projects & activities

There are projects eligible for this grant. The grant supports projects in artificial intelligence that focus on developing new products or processes, improving existing ones, demonstrating commercial potential, and involving research and development efforts.

  • Development of a new product or process
  • Significant improvement of an existing product or process
  • Demonstration of market advantage
  • Technological or business risk or uncertainty

Evaluation & selection criteria

There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The following are the key criteria used:

  • Relevance of the project to the call for proposals
  • Quality and feasibility of the project
  • Economic and social impacts of the project
  • Capacity and expertise of the project team
  • Cost-effectiveness of the project
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements

How to apply

  • Step 1: Read the guidelines and eligibility criteria for the grant
    • Content: Review the requirements, timelines, and objectives of the grant
    • Implications: Ensure the project aligns with the grant's focus and that your organization meets the specified criteria
  • Step 2: Prepare the required documentation
    • Content: Gather all necessary information and supporting documents as outlined in the application guidelines
    • Implications: Organize and compile the details of your project, budget, and other relevant materials
  • Step 3: Complete the application form
    • Content: Fill out the official application form provided by the granting agency
    • Implications: Ensure all sections are accurately completed and submit the form before the deadline
  • Step 4: Submit the application
    • Content: Send the completed application form and required documents to the designated email address or submission portal
    • Implications: Verify that the submission is successful and keep a record of the confirmation

Documents and links

Collaborative Industrial Research and Support to Innovative Entrepreneurship — Stream 2

Apply to this program