Local Food Infrastructure Fund Canada

Local Food Infrastructure Fund

Funding for non-profits to support local food systems

At a glance

Eligible Funding
  • From 100,000$ to 500,000$
  • 75% of project cost
  • Unspecified
Financing Type
Grant and Funding
Eligible Industries
  • All industries
Grant Providers
  • Government of Canada


Your not-for-profit organization could get funding to improve access to safe, healthy and culturally-diverse food and to promote environmentally sustainable food systems while supporting local communities.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for the Local Food Infrastructure Fund (LFIF) grant, your organization must meet the following criteria: 1. Be a community-based, not-for-profit organization with a mission to reduce food insecurity by establishing and strengthening the local food system. 2. Have a project that directly addresses food security and increases the accessibility and distribution of healthy, nutritious, and ideally local foods within the community. 3. Your project must align with the program objectives of increasing food security through investments in infrastructure needs. 4. Funding may be used for infrastructure improvements and equipment purchases related to the accessibility of healthy foods within the community. 5. The intake period for application must be open, as the program funding is time-limited and the application deadline should be noted. 6. Your project must be able to demonstrate a positive impact on food security and local food systems to be considered for grant funding. If your organization meets these eligibility criteria, you may qualify to apply for the LFIF grant. Please check the official program guidelines and application process for more details on how to proceed with your application.

Who is eligible

Community-based, not-for-profit organizations with a mission to reduce food insecurity are eligible for this grant. These organizations must focus on establishing and strengthening their local food system.

  • Community-based, not-for-profit organizations
  • Organizations with a mission to reduce food insecurity
  • Organizations focusing on establishing and strengthening local food systems

Eligible expenses

Eligible expenses for this grant include infrastructure needs to increase food security, purchase of equipment related to healthy and local food accessibility, and costs for eligible vehicles with a mandatory cost-sharing arrangement.

  • Infrastructure improvements
  • Purchase of equipment supporting food accessibility
  • Costs related to eligible vehicles with cost-sharing

Eligible projects & activities

Eligible projects or activities for this grant include:

  • Establishment or expansion of community food systems.
  • Investments in infrastructure needs related to food security.
  • Improvement of accessibility and distribution of healthy, nutritious, and ideally, local foods within communities.

Evaluation & selection criteria

Yes, there are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The criteria are as follows:

  • Demonstrated need for funding to address food insecurity and increase accessibility of healthy, nutritious, and local foods
  • Clear demonstration of how the project will impact the target community(ies)
  • Evidence of collaboration and support from local partners and stakeholders
  • Sustainability and long-term impact of the proposed project

How to apply

  • Step 1: Check the program details for the Local Food Infrastructure Fund and verify the eligibility criteria.
  • Step 2: Prepare all the necessary documentation required for the application process, including a detailed project proposal.
  • Step 3: Submit the completed application form within the specified intake period.
  • Step 4: Await the review and assessment of your application by the funding organization.
  • Step 5: If successful, comply with any additional requirements or conditions set forth in the grant agreement.

Additional information

- The program aims to reduce food insecurity by strengthening local food systems. - Grant funding ranges from $15,000 to $120,000 under the current intake. - AAFC may cover up to 100% of eligible project costs. - For funding to purchase a vehicle, there is a mandatory cost share with AAFC covering a maximum of 85% and applicants contributing a minimum of 15%. - The program prioritizes projects that address food security and increase accessibility and distribution of healthy, nutritious, and local foods within communities.

Documents and links

Local Food Infrastructure Fund

Apply to this program