NRC — Manufacturing and Automotive Innovation Hub Canada

NRC — Manufacturing and Automotive Innovation Hub

Automotive manufacturing innovation space in London

At a glance

Eligible Funding
  • No Condition
  • Open Date : November 14, 2019
Financing Type
Expert Advice
Researchers And Facilities
Eligible Industries
  • All industries
Grant Providers
  • National Research Council Canada
  • Government of Canada


Fee-for-service research facility helping Canadian automotive manufacturers adopt advanced manufacturing approaches, including mass customization, process industrialization, and data-driven factory automation.

Eligibility criteria

Who is eligible

Manufacturers, integrators, and equipment makers in the automotive and manufacturing supply chain can apply for the grant offered by the NRC Manufacturing and Automotive Innovation Hub. The grant aims to support Canadian businesses in becoming industry leaders by accelerating project time-to-market with advanced technologies and efficient processes.

Eligible expenses

Based on the provided information, eligible expenses for this grant may include:

  • Costs associated with research and development activities in the field of automotive technology and advanced manufacturing.
  • Purchases of equipment, materials, and services directly related to the development and testing of connected/autonomous vehicle technologies, mechatronics, and laser-based manufacturing processes.
  • Expenses for collaborative R&D projects, training programs, and technology demonstrations within the Manufacturing and Automotive Innovation Hub.
  • Funds allocated for the acquisition and implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies, such as robotics, IoT systems, and machine learning algorithms.

Eligible projects & activities

Yes, there are projects and activities eligible for this grant. The NRC Manufacturing and Automotive Innovation Hub supports collaborative research and development initiatives in advanced manufacturing processes and automotive technology. Eligible projects include:

  • Integration of advanced manufacturing technologies for tool and die manufacturing
  • Development of technologies for connected/autonomous vehicles
  • Implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies for efficient manufacturing
  • Research and testing of autonomous driving hardware and software
  • Enhancing AI perception for autonomous driving

Evaluation & selection criteria

There are evaluation and selection criteria for this grant. The evaluation and selection criteria are as follows:

  • Alignment with grant objectives and priorities
  • Demonstrated need for the grant funding
  • Feasibility and clarity of project plan
  • Potential impact and benefit to the automotive and manufacturing industry
  • Ability to leverage the resources and expertise of the NRC Manufacturing and Automotive Innovation Hub
  • Capacity to implement and scale proposed innovations
  • Evidence of collaboration and engagement with industry partners

How to apply

  • Step 1: Review the grant application guidelines and eligibility criteria
  • Step 2: Prepare all required documentation and information
  • Step 3: Submit the grant application through the specified method or portal
  • Step 4: Await evaluation and feedback from the grant administrators
  • Step 5: If successful, follow any further instructions for grant disbursement and project implementation

Additional information

- The NRC's Manufacturing and Automotive Innovation Hub is located in London, Ontario, and supports the Canadian automotive industry. - The facility offers capabilities unique in Canada, including laser micromachining, laser polishing, and pulsed laser deposition. - The hub focuses on collaborative projects and rapid problem-solving with advanced technologies. - Areas of expertise at the hub include mechatronics, AI, vehicle technology, industrial robotics, and surface engineering. - The facility features manufacturing and automotive labs with cutting-edge equipment for research and development. - The hub also provides opportunities for developing high-value products and technologies in the automotive sector.

Documents and links

NRC — Manufacturing and Automotive Innovation Hub

Apply to this program